D/D Phases / Timeline


Description Objectives Phases / timeline Student activity

Welcome to the DD Kidlink project.
Below are the phases described.

Please keep the participating teachers/students informed
if you have some problems following the timeline.
Do this in our private DD FB group

The project manager keeps a log to see that all have shared their description adn got drawings. Look at this example

Preparations to be done first of all:
teachers must register in Kidlink


Phases 1 – school/pupil presentations
(deadline not decided yet. Sometime 2021)

    1. By_______ Send to the project manager a student list with name, age, gender of the students
    2. By_______ the Coordinator has matched the schools that have confirmed. Che the Artwork 2021 page in DD home page 
    3. Present your school and students
      by creating a School Introduction. Login kidspace and click on CREATE A PAGE in DD home page 
      Check the page and scrollmenu pages
      in this nice presentation example 
    4. By _______. School Introductions must be shared
      in a google drive,by email or in DD student work page 

The project manager pair the groups and share this work in Kidspace
Look at this example.

Phases 2 – descriptions being written at school and shared
(deadline not decided yet. Sometime 2021)

  • Teachers introduce the project to the students
  • and  invite them to write their descriptions.
  • Descriptions  are shared with the collaborating school.
    Collaborating teachers agree how they do it
  • We suggest these 3 ways:
    1. They send description by email
    2. The share descriptions in google drive document.
      Look at a description shared by a student in Katalonia
    3. They share description in Kidspace
      1. requires classroom registration
      2. Student login kidspace and
      3. got to the school presentation page
      4. and click on CREATE A PAGE.

The project manager must activate the page to become visible
Look at a example in Kidspace

Phases 4 (deadline not decided yet. )  Students draw the portraits!

  • Not all students are good at drawing, but they should commit to follow the directions in the description as possible.
  • scan/photo the drawings
    (Size of your scan/photo must not be larger and higher than  500 pixels. Format must be: jpg or gif)
  • Share the images with the pupil that wrote the description,
    in one of these methods:

    1. send image by email
    2. share it in the private DD FB group
    3.  share image in google drive document.
      Look at a image shared by a student in Katalonia
    4. The student who got the image the image can share in its page in Kidspace 
      1. requires classroom registration
      2. Student login kidspace and
      3. got to his/her description page
      4. and click on EDIT PAGE.
  • Coordinator will post the portraits near the descriptions.

The project manager keeps a log to see that all have got a drawing.
Look at this example

Fun time at home – Students can get in touch with the other students.

  1. requires classroom registration
  2. Student login kidspace and go to Kid center where they find other Kidlinker kids they can get friendship with.

Kidlink Association check that Kidlink netiquette is followed and the kids are safe.

Among others
1. Be Polite
2. Be courteous
3. Be appreciating
4. Be respectful
5. Be a good listener