DD Objectives


Description Objectives Phases / timeline Student activity

Join to this project and let your students

  • improve skills. language, art and technology
  • learn how to write an accurate description of the face


  • Self-awareness
  • improve empathy by developing face-reading habilities
  • Observation 
  • Cooperative work
  • Working and negotiating in cooperative groups in the classroom and globally
  • Optional: Learning habits and customs of other people

Language: (English and native language)

  • Practicing grammar  in  real situations
  • Improving reading and writing
  • Enriching vocabulary
  • Developing strategies for overcoming language barriers
  • Engaging in languages different from the native tongue


  • Drawing a portrait, following the partner’s description
  • Creating drawings to add to webpages
  • Drawing with a graphic software
  • Communicating with other kids through artworks


  • Practicing with various writing and drawing tools
  • Using screen capture, scanners or other tools to import the drawings for sharing
  • Improving Digital competence using technology critically and friendly for sharing information and research  
  • Accessing and utilizing online tools
  • Locating and navigating websites