WoF – Mihai & Marius Sucan

The Kidlink Wall of Fame
Mihai & Marius Sucan


Mihai and Marius, who are twins, started as volunteers for Kidlink KIDART in the autumn of 2000 at the age of 13, even before they had even answered the 4q’s.

  • They answered the four questions on the 27th of March 2001. At the time, they had already started to animate the Kidlink logo.
  • 2003 – Created several animated and non-animated icons for KIDART projects and workshops. Example 1 and example 2.
  • 2002 – Members of KIDART Advisor team, and started working on the KIDART logo with Nevena (10) from Yugoslavia.
  • 2001 – Created the first Kidlink Flash Intro, and a row of animated Kidlink logos.
  • 2000 – Created suggestions for animated Kidlink logos and Kidlink Banners.

Thanks very much!

Odd de Presno
Kidlink Society Executive Director

Stellan Kinberg
Kidlink Association Chairman