This project is not currently running and is in need of a volunteer to be the project manager.
Description | Objectives | Phases / timeline | Participants | Resources |
DD – Application Form
Please, go and join to the Private FB group for this project if you want to participate
If you need more information go to our public D/D Project FB Group
You have to do the same with your partner: read his/her description and draw a portrait for him/her. Below is one of many examples from Student activity Kidspace
“My hair is brown and long and wavy. I have no fringe at all I comb my hair backward and I wear a broad white ribbon, my eyelashes are long and dark brown. The eyebrows are brown. My eyes big and brown. The shape of my face is long and my cheeks are a little round. My mouth is red with rather thick lips. I am pale and I like to wear a black teashirt.” |
Age group
This project is for any age group. (It’s suitable for EFL students at the basic level.)
Join this project and let your students learn how to write an accurate description and how to draw a portrait following what their partners have written.
Dates are preliminary!
Phase 1 – JOIN TO THE PROJECT (registrations and school presentations)
(First edition: (To be determined)
(Second edition: (To be determined)
- When you receive the invitation, if you want to participate, please, fill in this teacher’s registration form (link) in order to be registered in the project.
- Send to the project manager a list of your students’ names (with name, age and gender of them). [deadline, February 21st]
- Start writing a presentation of your school and group (google document or email) and share with the project’s manager to be published by him. [deadline, February 28th]
- The project’s manager will send you a list of registered schools matched in pairs, ready to start the following phase. All the matched schools will pair in the “Artwork 2021” page: DD home page (link to be supplied).
The project manager pairs the groups and shares this work in Kidspace. Look at this example.
Phase 2 – SHARE DESCRIPTIONS (descriptions being written at school and shared)
(First edition: (To be determined)
(Second edition:(To be determined)
Teachers introduce the project to the students and invite them to write their descriptions.
Descriptions are shared with the collaborating school. Collaborating teachers previously agree how they do it. We suggest these 3 ways to share descriptions:
- Send description by email
- Share descriptions in a google document. (Look at a description shared by a student in Katalonia)
- Share description in Kidspace: the teacher or the students (requires classroom registration to obtain students’ login data to kidspace), as you prefer. You should publish your students’ description in your school presentation page (if you are logged in, you will see a “create a page” button in the bottom of your school’s page; The project manager must activate the page to become visible) (Look at an example in Kidspace)
Phase 3 SHARE and PUBLISH PORTRAITS (Students draw and share the portraits)
(First edition: deadline )
(Second edition: deadline)
Not all students are good at drawing, but they should commit to follow the directions in the description as much as possible.
Scan/photo the drawings (for Kidspace publications, size of your scan/photo must not be larger and higher than 500 pixels. Format must be: jpg or gif)
Send/share the images to be published (and publish the images for your students). You can send/share the images to the teacher of each pupil that wrote the description, in one of these methods:
- send image by email
- share it in the private DD FB group
- share image in google drive document (Look at an image shared by a student in Katalonia)
- The student who got the image can share in his/her page, in Kidspace (remember that this way requires classroom registration, Student login kidspace and got to his/her own description page)
The project manager can also post the portraits near the descriptions of your students.
The project manager keeps a log to see that all have got a drawing.
Look at this example
Phase 4: Fun time at home
(First edition: December )
(Second edition: June)
Students can get in touch with the other students.
in our public D/D Project FB Group .
Student work example
Look at this nice description and drawings in Student activity kidspace
Read the rules to follow
Register in Kidlink
Fill out the DD – Application Form
Ask to join our private D/D Project FB Group
You can find some useful tutorials in our FB group DD (check the Files)
If a teacher wants, students can participate even by creating pages by themselves where they will type their descriptions and make the teachers’ work easier. This can mean greater involvement and responsibility for students.
Useful link:
- Exercise in classroom.
Training description in your own classroom using your mother language
One group sits on the floor in a ring with the back to the center.
The second group forms an inner ring Sitting with an image of themselves visible on a mirror or a phone. The inner ring describes themselves. The outer ring makes a simple drawing. The outer ring may ask for clarifications. - DD en Català: “Jo em Descric i tu em Dibuixes“
- Join the project group in Facebook to get in touch with the managers of the project and the teachers collaborating in the project.