Project info page model

For project managers only.

  1. Copy text from this page [click text above right]
  2. and paste into a new page [new page above] for your project.
  3. Edit the content of your project info

Student work

 Application Form (Add your link here)

Project donated to Kidlink Association
by  author: ______________________
Project coordinator: ______________

Project description
List how the project works, and what online tools or programs are used for sharing student work.


Curriculum project objectives

List the objectives, topics, or skills that students will use during this project.




  • Registration Deadline:  _______________
  • Start of the activities: _______________
  • End of activities: _______________


Project info

  1. Teacher: The How to participate page informs you about:
    1. KIDLINK RULES TO FOLLOW (< project rules to add?)
    2.  If you have not registered with Kidlink Association, you need to do this one time to participate in any of our projects. Teachers Register at this link –  Kidlink Registration Page.   This link goes to a Moodle page where you will click Create New Account. (free of charge)
    3. Application Form (in Google Forms) (< Link to change)
  2. Join our “ Project” Facebook group (< Link to change)



Teacher resources
